Connected Britain is back, bringing together over 2000 connectivity professionals in London this September!
Taking place on 21st and 22nd September, Connected Britain is the #1 event to understand the technology, regulation and investment environment for the rollout of next generation fibre and mobile networks in the UK.
Across industries, across the economy, across society, everything is changing as technology plays an increasingly critical role. Underpinning all this change is a new, faster connectivity powered by broadband technologies including fibre and 5G.
2021 will see a further evolution of the content to explore in more depth how next generation connectivity is enabling an economic revolution in the UK.
Tickets are free for UK public sector and consumer facing operators. Discounts are also available for ISPA UK members who don’t qualify for a free ticket. ISPA members can use the discount code ISPA10 at checkout to get 10% discount.