European Internet Services Providers' Association
EuroISPA is the world’s largest association of Internet service providers, is comprised of 11 members, and represents the interests of more than 2300 companies from across Europe. ISPA UK was instrumental in establishing EuroISPA.
EuroISPA engages at an EU-level on a full spectrum of information society policy issues on behalf of its members, and is active in various international Internet governance fora, ensuring that Europe’s voice is at the forefront of discussions on the future of the Internet.
The EuroISPA Council meets at least four times each year to formally discuss policy, matters of importance to the EU Internet industry and the administration of the organisation. Each of the EuroISPA members elects one person to represent them at the Council and brings to the table the views of their association. The organisation is assisted by a secretariat, which resides in Brussels.
EuroISPA is now recognised as the voice of the European ISP industry and is the largest 'umbrella' association of Internet Service Providers in the world. The reason for EuroISPA's success to date is doubtless that it reflects the views of ISPs of all sizes from across its member base.
ISPA members can view EuroISPA monthly reports here.