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ISPA Conference
8th November 2017 @ 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
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The annual ISPA Conference will take place on Wednesday 8th November at BT Tower.
The 2017 ISPA Conference will look at the role that ISPs and providers will need to play in a changing landscape. Opeanreach reform, Government's commitment to full fibre, the Universal Service Obligation and barriers to broadband rollout affect how ISP deliver their infrastructure throughout the country. Cyber-attacks are at the centre of media attention and ISPs are being asked to play a more active role in cyber defence. Data protection requirements will increase with the GDPR, liability provisions could be ramped up post-Brexit and ISPs have come under pressure for how they interact with their customers, advertise their services or provide compensation.
The conference will explore this changing landscape, assess what impact it will have on ISPs and provide attendees with the opportunity to debate how providers should react to stay competitive in challenging market conditions.
9:00 – 9:30 Registration and refreshments
9:30 – 09:35 Welcome and introduction – Andrew Glover (ISPA Chair)
9:35 – 10:00 Keynote – Matthew Gould, Director General for Digital and Media, DCMS
10:00 – 10:50 Panel Session: Is Government on the right track with its support strategy for broadband rollout?
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There has been a marked shift in Government’s support for broadband providers with the introduction of fibre rate relief, a new voucher scheme and a Digital Infrastructure Investment Fund and this panel will explore how successful these new measures are likely going to be. Do the individual announcements add up to a comprehensive strategy, what else can be done, and does the Government’s inaction in other areas, e.g. wider business rate reform, barriers to rollout (wayleaves, streetworks) or Ofcom’s strong focus on consumer protection actually outweigh the additional benefits that are being created? The panel will further look at how providers can best make use of the support that is available.
On the Panel : Jeremy Chelot – (Community Fibre), Ken Kiser (Arista Networks), Iain Wood (Talk Talk), Mark Collins (City Fibre), Chair- Annelise Berendt (Point Topic)
10:50 – 11:15 Keynote Q&A - Clive Selley – CEO, Openreach
11:15 – 11:35 Coffee break
11:35 – 12:25 Panel Session: What do customers expect from ISPs and how are these expectations likely to change
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This session will focus on the expectations customers have of their ISP. From the demands for more data, consumers starting to make more use of connected devices and IoT, the desire for constant reliability and increased speeds, this panel will provide an insight and analysis into how end users will be using connectivity in the future.
On the Panel: Matthew Hare (Gigaclear), Paul Adams (Nokia), Oliver Johnson (Point Topic), Gary Hough (Zen Internet), Chair – Jenny Davies (M247)
12:25 - 12:45 Keynote - Sam Alderman-Miller, Senior Cyber Security Manager, Darktrace
The Future Impact of AI on Cyber Crime
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch & Networking at the viewing gallery at the top of the BT Tower
14:00 – 14:20 Cyber security -NCSC
Ian Levy, Technical Director, NCSC
14:20 - 14:45 National Cyber Crime Unit Presentation
Jo Goodall, Senior Investigating Officer
Alice Fletcher, Tactical Partnership
14:24 – 15:05Keynote: Simon McCalla, Chief Technology Officer, Nominet
Network data analytics visualisation tool, Turing
15:05 – 16:00 Panel Session: Rights and Responsibilities Online
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The Internet has often been termed a ‘wild west’ free from regulation but in reality, as an essential part of our everyday lives, there has always been regulation to varying degrees that has evolved in line with user expectations. Today, various actions are taken by government, regulators and players across the Internet value chain to control, regulate and limit what can be said and done online. In the UK, this has happened in a piecemeal rather than coordinated fashion, with at different times action taken to address copyright infringement, radicalisation, pornography, hate speech and more. As we enter a new chapter of Internet regulation through the blocking of legal adult sites that do not implement age verification check (based on notices from a regulator), the DCMS is working on a new internet safety strategy, which includes a new Digital Charter to set standards for social media sites. In addition to this, the CPS is adopting a firmer stance on hate speech and pressure is being placed on companies to block, filter and remove more harmful and potentially illegal content. Often lost in the policy-making process and debates are the expectations and rights of internet users, the existing measures in place to protect and empower consumers and the potential unintended consequences of making private companies act as judge and jury. This panel of leading figures will debate and discuss the situations today, where the boundaries should lay, the role of online intermediaries and the potential unintended consequences foreseen.
On the Panel: Prof Joanna R Adler (Middlesex University), Dan Butler (Virgin Media), Craig Butler (Netsweeper), Graham Smith (Bird&Bird LLP), Chair - Kat Hall (The Register)
16:00 – 16:20 Keynote- Jonathan Oxley, Group Director for Competition, Ofcom
16:25 – 17:30 Drinks and networking
The Conference is sold out!