Beyond the build: Implementing services and practices that encourage take-up, enhances revenue streams and ensures sustainable business models in the UK ISP market
Gigabit capable fibre rollout has continued to accelerate, with the latest figures showing availability to 3 out of 4 households and full fibre inching closer to half the country.
However, while premises are being passed, uptake of gigabit services are still lagging behind - figures from earlier in 2022 only showed a 12.4% uptake in the 11,500,000 of FTTP premises passed in the UK. Understandably, the priority has been on upgrading infrastructure and the physical parts of deploying networks. This presents questions for providers that have been primarily focused on the build of better fibre networks – how to convert premises passed into sustainable business models with more connections, how to grow your customer base and increase revenue, what additional services can be offered and as speed alone is no longer a differentiator how to compete against high-profile household name brands.
The latest ISPA ‘industry in-focus’ webinar will seek to answer these questions with insights from leading sector stakeholders. Hear the opinion of mature US ISP providers about their journey through the customer acquisition process after their full fibre build and listen to UK ISPs about why they have chosen to introduce Revenue Edge technology to navigate the current transitional market period. Finally, leading marketing and executive representatives from across industry will discuss their views on the future and what strategies they will be implementing to ensure their organisation converts premises passed to premises connected.
Register your attendance: ISPA Industry In-focus Webinar - Beyond the Build Tickets, Thu 9 Feb 2023 at 15:00 | Eventbrite