ISP Division
Best Dial-Up sponsored by Aladdin The finalists were as follows:
Biscit ntl:Telewest Orange Waitrose Zen Internet
Winner: Zen Internet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges were impressed with the robust and well-rounded dial-up package Zen offers. They were pleased to see solid investment in the latest technology to improve customer service. The dedicated Apple support was seen as an innovative addition to the service.”
Best Consumer Host sponsored by Community Internet The finalists were as follows:
Keen Computers Netcetera Tesco Tiscali Virgin.net
Winner: Keen Computers
An ISPA spokesperson said, “As the demand for hosting grows, ISPs must be able to respond with the space consumers need and the flexibility to accommodate consumers’ hosting needs. The judges felt that Keen Computers was seriously addressing consumers’ hosting needs, offering a solid hosting package.”
Best Business Host sponsored by Swyx The finalists were as follows:
Donhost Keen Computers Onyx Internet Opal UkFast
Winner: UKFast
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges agreed that UKFast can cater for the hosting requirements of any business. It was felt that UKfast can provide good security and tech support with a solid awareness of the applications necessary to run a successful business.”
Best Portal sponsored by Entanet The finalists were as follows:
ntl:Telewest Madasafish SidNet Tiscali Virgin.net
Winner: Tiscali
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges felt Tiscali had managed to find an impressive balance between the services and original content it provides to its customers. They applauded Tiscali on its ability to incorporate its identity with that of the user.”
Best Consumer Email sponsored by Eversheds The finalists were as follows:
Biscit Madasafish Namesco Seriously Internet Tiscali
Winner: Madasafish
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges felt that Madasafish’s email security and reliability reflects the vital role email now plays for consumers. The ease by which consumers are able to navigate Madasafish’s email interface using key commands was seen as a great feature.”
Best Business Email sponsored by Brightview The finalists were as follows:
Biscit Entanet Exa Networks Namesco Zen Internet
Winner: Zen Internet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “Email plays a critical role in the day-to-day running of any business. Zen provides a complete range of email solutions for all types of businesses. The judges felt that Zen’s security, 24-7 support and administration tools were exactly what any business requires from their email package.”
Best Streaming sponsored by Orange The finalists were as follows:
Astream Groovy Gecko Keen Computers Mydeo Streaming Wizard
Winner: Astream
An ISPA spokesperson said, “As broadband connections become more powerful and widespread, streaming looks set to become one of the primary methods for consumers to view content online. The judges were impressed with the variety of input formats Astream is able to offer its customers and its professional capabilities.”
Best Internet Telephony sponsored by Magrathea The finalists were as follows:
Entanet Keen Computers Lumison Seriously Vocal Tesco
Winner: Lumison
An ISPA spokesperson said, “VoIP represents a major revolution in telecommunications and the judges felt Lumison offered an excellent end-to-end managed VoIP service. They were particularly impressed with the range and integrated services offered by Lumison.”
An ISPA spokesperson continued, “The judges deemed it appropriate for Tesco to be awarded a commendation for their work in promoting VoIP in a consumer market. Their ‘plug-and-play’ residential Internet telephony service is accessible and easy to understand for the average consumer.”
Best Wireless ISP sponsored by Sky Broadband The finalists were as follows:
BOZII Community Internet The Cloud West Somerset Internet
Winner: West Somerset Internet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges considered it appropriate to recognise West Somerset Internet’s commitment to providing wireless broadband access to rural communities and closing the digital divide. The range of packages and the adaptability of contracts for companies such as charities, where the service is provided free of charge, also impressed the judges.”
Best Consumer Broadband sponsored by Axiom Systems The finalists were as follows:
Be Unlimited Eclipse Internet Entanet Namesco Seriously Internet
Winner: Eclipse Internet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges were impressed with Eclipse’s ‘zero-touch’ fully automated order processing service and rapid delivery of its broadband services. Of particular note were Eclipse’s efforts to provide uncapped broadband.”
An ISPA spokesperson continued, “A commendation is awarded to Be Unlimited for pushing the limits of broadband capabilities in a consumer market by being bold and offering ‘up to 24 meg broadband’.”
Best Business Broadband sponsored by ZyXEL The finalists were as follows:
Datanet Eclipse Internet Entanet Kingston Communications Namesco
Winner: Datanet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “Regardless of the size of the business, broadband is an invaluable tool. The judges felt that Datanet’s range of packages and its ability to offer a bespoke package could cater for any business. They were particularly impressed by Datanet’s SDSL offering.”
Best Consumer ISP sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent The finalists were as follows:
ntl:Telewest Orange Tiscali Virgin.net
Winner: ntl:Telewest
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges were impressed with ntl:Telewest’s good technical delivery and its investment in customer services over the past year. The judges also felt that ntl:Telewest’s packages give consumers a good choice of services available in the broadband market.”
Best Business ISP sponsored by Cisco Systems The finalists were as follows:
Claranet Datanet Entanet UKFast Zen Internet
Winner: Claranet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges agreed that Claranet’s services offer outstanding quality, reliability and adaptability for businesses. They were particularly impressed with Claranet’s customer support and their dedicated managed security services.”
An ISPA spokesperson continued, “Zen Internet was commended for their dedicated support service provided to Apple Mac users.”
Special Division
The Internet Watch Foundation Award sponsored by Imtech Telecom The finalists were as follows:
Annie Mullins , Global Head of Content Standards, Vodafone BT The Home Secretary’s Task Force for Child Protection on the Internet John Carr, Internet Consultant, NCH Nicholas Lansman, Secretary General, ISPA UK
Winner: The Home Secretary’s Task Force on Child Protection on the Internet
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The Internet Watch Foundation particularly recognised the Task Force for continuing to provide a hugely successful multi-agency forum enabling a vast array of experts to contribute towards policies and good practice documents to make the Internet a safer place for children.”
The Corporate Social Responsibility Award Winner: Orange
An ISPA spokesperson said, “The judges felt that Orange has an excellent corporate social responsibility policy in place. They recognised Orange’s support for the Internet industry through its work with the National High Tech Crime Unit and the Home Office.”
An ISPA spokesperson continued “The judges also acknowledged Datanet’s support of a local hospice, ntl:Telewest’s dedicated corporate social responsibility monitoring team and Claranet’s broad charity work.”
Internet Villain sponsored by Abbostbury Software The finalists were as follows:
Commissioner Vivianne Reding and European Commission e360 insight Peter Black, Executive Chairman Next Generation Networks UK The British Phonographic Industry The US Government
Winner: Commissioner Vivianne Reding and European Commission
An ISPA spokesperson said Commissioner Vivianne Reding and the EC received the award, "For foisting the most arcane set of rules yet seen for prior registration of .eu domains, requiring UK registered companies to submit legal affidavits to justify the authenticity of their business."
Internet Hero sponsored by UKFast The finalists were as follows:
Annie Mullins, Vodafone Ofcom Simon Watkin and the Home Office team Stephen Carter, Former Ofcom Chief Executive The EU
Winner: Annie Mullins, Vodafone
An ISPA spokesperson said Annie Mullins received the award "For her work with the Home Office Task Force on Protection of Children on the Internet and the European Union's Safer Internet Programme."