New Member Insights Video
CityFibre & HighNet Telecoms speak about their latest collaboration
Welcome to our new ISPA Insights video Interview bringing you valuable insights from the booming UK broadband market. In this new video, we have the pleasure to welcome David Alldritt, Technology and Innovation Director from HighNet Telecoms and Emma Goodwin, Head of Sales for Consumer ISPs from CityFibre.
Brawband, the consumer brand powered by Highnet Telecoms, has been a successful partner for CityFibre since 2020. You can hear all about their collaboration and more in the full interview, where they talk about the journey Highnet experienced entering the consumer market, the support CityFibre provides to partners, such as Brawband, as well as sharing their views on what the market will look like in the years ahead.
Please check the full interview below and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more interviews in 2022 >>>
2022: Upcoming policy announcements
Over the coming months, ISPA will engage with a variety of relevant policy announcements, roundtables, and legislation:
- ISPA will engage with members and DCMS to respond to consultations regarding the Telecommunications Security Act and accompanying secondary legislation.
- The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Bill will have its second reading in the House of Commons.
- Following the publication of the Joint Online Safety Bill Committee’s recommendations last month, the updated Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament shortly.
- Last year, OTA began the work on the governance and design of the new “One Touch Switching” process which all ISPs will need to adopt by April 2023. The OTA will continue their work on the design this year and members will need to engage with the process. Members can receive regular updates from ISPA and directly engage in the work - please get in touch with for more information.
- The GigaTAG taskforce will meet to assess the progress of the report’s recommendations.
- ISPA will continue to attend Ofcom’s terminology and use cases roundtables.
- ISPA will respond to the Government’s consultation on mandating the installation of gigabit infrastructure and connections in new build homes.
Save the date: Parliament & Internet on 23rd March
The Parliament & Internet conference will take place in Portcullis house in London on 23rd March from 9am to 1pm, and gather over 200 delegates from Government, Parliament, Whitehall, industry and civil society to debate the UK's latest digital policy agenda.
Tickets are free but numbers are limited and priority is given to ISPA members and partners so if you are planning to attend, please secure your ticket now.
Register now for the 2022 Parliament & Internet Conference
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Launching soon!
ISPA Awards 2022 will launch earlier next month so stay tuned to discover some new categories and opportunities to sponsor.
2022 ISPA Partners – Round of Introductions
Over the past few years, ISPA has been working on an annual basis with a select number of core and complementary partners whose products and services deliver added value to you on your most pressing challenges such as infrastructure, equipment, DDoS protection, test and measurement, damage prevention, CX, TV and smart WiFi.
As we enter 2022, not only are we delighted to continue partnering with CityFibre, EPS Global, Netgem TV, Openreach and Plume, but we are also very pleased to welcome a wide range of new partners including Corero, Linksys, LSBUD, TP-Link and Viavi Solutions.
Please have a quick read through their latest news below.
Full Fibre Infrastructure Partner
After a fantastic year, passing over 1 million premises with its Full Fibre network in 2021, CityFibre is excited for the new milestones that 2022 will bring.
Working with ISP partners is a key part of the company’s strategy to reach 8 million premises by 2025 and Emma Goodwin, Head of Consumer Sales at CityFibre spoke about the partnership model with David Aldritt, Technology and Innovation Director at Highnet Telecoms and Brawband in a recent interview with Andrew Kernahan, Head of Public Affairs at ISPA.
If you have not yet done so, watch the full interview here.
DDoS Protection Partner
DDoS Protection vs. Mitigation
As our Internet-first world grows more complex each year due to the insatiable demand for faster connections, 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud services, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) threats are also growing in sophistication, size, and frequency. Each year, we see a rising number of total recorded attacks.
Having said all of that, did you know that many of the DDoS solutions in the market still rely on outdated techniques that were conceived in an era when organisations did not depend on the Internet?
These legacy solutions are often unable to mitigate today’s sophisticated attacks, resulting in unwanted downtime.
Watch our new short video to find out why the only way to protect against DDoS is with an always-on, automated solution.
Open Disaggregated Solutions Partner
Helping you to meet growing customer demands, accelerate network services delivery and increase your revenue.
We are excited to continue our partnership with ISPA UK and its valued members in 2022.
EPS Global delivers end-to-end network solutions for ISPs. We give you access to a global supply supported by local teams in 28 locations worldwide, and provide technical engineers for network design, hardware configuration and deployment to ensure your success.
Damage Prevention Partner
Membership of LSBUD ensures telecoms and fibre owners protect their valuable networks. It increases network resilience and improves customer service by decreasing the risk of unplanned outages. This is achieved by improving the visibility of asset networks for those people who are planning to undertake excavations in their vicinity.
More than 80% of all excavation work in the UK is preceded by a search on LSBUD who automatically collate the information on known assets in the defined area, assess the likely risk of the works, allowing the asset owner to take any action they deem fit and returns that information in the form of a site plan to the enquirer. This process takes less than 5 minutes and is available 24/7, 365 days a year.
Current LSBUD Members include Neos Networks, Gigaclear, euNetworks, EXA Infrastructure, Zayo, Tata, Jurassic Fibre, Glide Fibre and NYnet.
Click here to learn more about LSBUD membership.
CPE Partners
We are delighted to join ISPA as a long-term partner, over the last 5 years we’ve been working on developing our ISP strategy with our partners to ensure we deliver the most reliable WIFI experience to our customers. Becoming an ISPA partner will enable us to share our success stories and during 2022 we will be launching our first WiFi 6E Mesh Range within European Market and also expand on our ongoing partnerships.
At Linksys, we strive to build the world’s most reliable, innovative, future-ready wireless technologies. Our Networking hardware solutions contribute to an ISP’s competitive edge and customer satisfaction through innovative and scalable broadband solutions. Linksys has recently partnered with Fortinet the leader in WiFi Security to ensure our customers are kept safe whilst working, gaming or just surfing.
TP-Link announces Aginet - a new brand to support ISPs
- Aginet from TP-Link features a slew of products and services that offer a wider range of application scenarios, such as xPON, xDSL, hybrid access, Wi-Fi access, and mesh networking designed to meet the needs of ISPs. Backed by innovative R&D, quality-assured vertical manufacturing, and excellent pre-and-after sales services, Aginet features the fastest response time and the most efficient execution team in the network communications terminal industry.
Commenting on the launch, Kalam Meah, ISP Director, TP-Link UK Ltd said, “With our networking pedigree stretching back more than 25 years, the Aginet range includes the facilities to perform operations, diagnostics and maintenance remotely, therefore, minimizing ISP’s on-site support overheads".
TV & Smart WiFi Partner
December was a busy time for Netgem with the launch of new TV and WiFi partnerships with Brawband in Scotland, Box Broadband in Surrey, BeSmart in Bournemouth as well as partnering with LOEWE electronics’ big UK come back to bring the best TV experience to their high end smart TVs.
BrawBand selected Netgem TV to bring full fibre and TV bundles to Scotland – just in time for the Premier Sports Cup final. Brawband offer ultrafast, full fibre internet to the premises for residential and business customers across Inverness, Glasgow and Renfrewshire.
Shan Eisenberg, Chief Commercial Officer, Netgem UK, said: “The partnership between Netgem and Brawband is great news for new as well as existing BrawBand customers who can now enjoy brilliant entertainment, through some of the fastest speeds available at the best price. We are delighted to be working with so many leading ISP’s across the UK”
Many Altnet ISPs will face the challenge of connecting the homes that are passed, and also ARPU challenges as overbuild and competition intensify in the next financial year.
Now is the time to get ready for those challenges and partner with Netgem TV & WiFi to boost the value of your customers - Get in touch with us.
Infrastructure Partner
In December 2020, we began to discuss the long-term handover architecture of our network with CPs. We highlighted the opportunity to exit exchanges no longer needed to support FTTP, FTTC or Ethernet services. We set out an ambition to exit 100 exchange buildings by December 2030 and a large majority of the remaining 4,500 non-handover exchanges in the early 2030s. Exiting exchanges gives us and CPs the opportunity to consolidate infrastructure, reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency.
We now plan to run pilots to identify the operational enablers, processes and notification periods to facilitate exchange exit and better understand commercial opportunities and challenges. Our key priority is to ensure that all end customers are migrated safely and with minimal disruption.
We’re currently consulting on the running of five pilots, all non-handover exchanges:
- Deddington, Oxfordshire
- Kenton Road, Greater London
- Carrickfergus, Ballyclare, Glengormley – all in County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Industry briefing GEN102/21 refers.
The pilots will begin in April 2022, with FTTP stop sell restrictions already in place and restrictions on new supply for all products from June 2022 and final withdrawal in December 2023 (Deddington) and June 2024 (all other exchanges). For further information please refer to the consultation.
CPs and interested parties are invited to respond to the proposals laid out in the consultation no later than 21 January 2022.
CX & Smart WiFi Partner
5 smart home trends in 2021
As 2021 drew to a close, Plume revealed 5 key trends following an in-depth analysis of 12-months' connected device and network usage data from smart homes powered by its SaaS Experience Platform.
Test & Measurement Partner
VIAVI is proud to join the ISPA community and look forward to collaborating with the other members and help promote the great work to the wider internet industry. The VIAVI team were proud to be a sponsor at the recent ISPA Awards and to meet many of the ISPA members at the Awards dinner.
VIAVI is the global leader in fibre test & measurement, and our heritage spans back to 1923. We believe in being smarter with your fibre testing. This means easy-to-use tools, simplified test processes, and automated report management.
Learn how VIAVI can help you save time, reduce errors and give your customers the service they deserve – visit:
ISPA welcomes io IT Services as new members
As Technology and Communications specialists, no matter the size or type of your business, io deliver unrivalled IT Support and Comms solutions everyday and without compromise.
Find membership benefits and form to join here
ISPA offers its members a variety of discounts for events that we partner with.
White Label Expo UK - 2nd and 3rd March
For more information and discounts please visit our website. If you would like to advertise your events here and on our website, please contact