In response to the Which? research on broadband black spots, please see below a comment from Andrew Glover, the Chair of the Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA UK).  

ISPs have made significant progress in boosting broadband speeds in recent years, as Ofcom’s official figures show that across the UK, average download speeds have increased by 28% over the past year to 46.2Mbps.  

“The data used by Which? appears to be gathered from customer speed tests and therefore may not be fully representative of speeds available. Ofcom’s Boost Your Broadband campaign can show where faster connections are already available should customers want them, including some of the areas mentioned in the report.

 “Whilst some of this progress is highlighted by Which?, the report does indicate that there is still work to be done to ensure that no area in the UK is left behind. ISPA’s members are working hard to deliver quality broadband services to consumers across the UK, and are committed to rolling out the next generation of broadband infrastructure and services to those that need it. There are also a wide variety of new ISPs breaking into the industry to deliver new and innovative solutions.

“For those in true ‘not-spots’ the Broadband USO is due to be implemented by Ofcom in 2019, which will give everyone the legal right to request a 10Mbps connection.”



Notes to editors:


  • The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA UK) has around 200 members and is the voice of the UK Internet industry to policy makers, the media and the public. For a list of members or other information about ISPA, please visit our website on or follow us on twitter @ISPAUK. You can also reach us by phone on 0203 397 3308.