Minister of State for Crime and Security at the Home Office, James Brokenshire MP, has confirmed as the keynote for the ISPA Conference on 9th November.

The Minister is likely to touch on Government’s plans in the area of communications data and cyber-security and will also take questions and answers from delegates.

This year's ISPA Conference, now in its seventh year, is an opportunity to hear the latest from Government, Ofcom and the industry on the latest issues affecting the Internet Industry.

Topics include; the impact of the Olympics on networks; ISP responsibility and freedom of expression; Broadband investment; and DEA implementation. Full agenda here.

Other speakers confirmed so far include Ofcom's Campbell Cowie and Peter Bradwell of the Open Rights Group who will discuss DEA next steps and ISP liability. Dom Robinson of the CDN World Forum will speak on the impact of the Olympics panel session.

The broadband investment session has Matthew Hare of Gigaclear and Andrew Heaney of TalkTalk and Dominic Bray of K&L Gates and Alex Blowers of Nominet are confirmed on the ISP responsibility and freedom of expression session.

Tickets are now on sale here and you can benefit from Early Bird prices by booking before October 9th. The all-day conference will be held at the brand new offices of K&L Gates at One New Change, near St. Pauls, London.

If you are interested in speaking or sponsorship please or call 020 7340 8741. The ISPA Conference takes place during Internet Week Europe and is sponsored by ProLabs.


Notes to the editor:

The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) was established in 1995 as a trade association to represent providers of Internet services in the UK. ISPA promotes competition, self-regulation and the development of the Internet industry. For a list of members or other information about ISPA, please consult the website:

The views expressed in this release are those of the Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) and do not necessarily reflect the corporate policies of the individual companies that are members of the Association or other organisations that may be mentioned in the release. For further editorial information please contact the ISPA Press Office (020 7340 8741).