The Internet Services Providers’ Association welcomes today’s consultation into Communications Data.
ISPA is committed to assisting law enforcement agencies in the investigation of serious crimes and threats to national security, and supports effective legal measures that combat terrorism.
ISPA members must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, which includes strict guidance on the retention and use of personal data. It is important that the proposals made in the consultation published today are consistent with the protections offered by data protection laws.
In particular ISPA welcomes the decision by Government to explicitly exclude a central database as a means for storing communications data. In updating the Government’s capabilities in the new communications environment, ISPA expects Government to commit to reimbursing service providers for any extra costs of storing and retrieving data as is required under existing legislation.
ISPA has been involved in discussions with Home Office about Communications Data over many years a process that more recently included the Director of the Programme addressing the ISPA Conference in November 2008.
ISPA members will be meeting with the Home Office shortly to discuss the consultation and is keen to continue to participate in the constructive dialogue. ISPA will be submitting a formal response to the consultation.
Nicholas Lansman, ISPA Secretary General said, "ISPA advocates a proportionate approach to data retention. To ensure that any updated law enforcement requirements do not place extra financial burdens on internet service providers, ISPA stresses the importance of cost recovery. We will continue discussions with the Home Office and other stakeholders on this matter and look forward to a constructive dialogue."
Notes to the editor:
The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) was established in 1995 as a trade association to represent providers of Internet services in the UK. ISPA promotes competition, self-regulation and the development of the Internet industry. For a list of members or other information about ISPA, please consult the website:
The views expressed in this release are those of the Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) and do not necessarily reflect the corporate policies of the individual companies that are members of the Association or other organisations that may be mentioned in the release. For further editorial information please contact the ISPA Press Office (020 7340 8741).