ISPA supports the intention of Ofcom to give consumers detailed, robust information about broadband speed performance.
ISPA advocates transparency and views the publication of detailed information about speeds as part of this process.
However, ISPA notes that the list of ISPs included in the report is limited to the six largest consumer ISPs. Whilst ISPA understands the challenges in gathering statistically relevant data for all ISPs, it is disappointed that the research does not reflect the breadth of the industry.
The findings of the report show that the majority of consumers are happy with their broadband service and that speed is an important factor when choosing a provider. There is however some dissatisfaction amongst consumers about speeds received compared to those advertised and ISPA intends to work with stakeholders, including Ofcom, to address this issue.
The research also shows that the figure in the Digital Britain Report that 11 per cent of UK households are unable to reach speeds of 2mbps is in fact 19 per cent, nearly twice the size and a greater challenge.
ISPA supports the Ofcom Code of Practice on broadband speeds, which includes measures to address point of sale concerns over speeds, and encourages its consumer-facing members to sign up to the Code. ISPA recommends all consumers wishing to choose a provider should choose an ISPA member so that they are covered by the ISPA Code of Practice and complaints procedure.
The report rightly identifies a number of outside factors which affect a users' broadband speed including the distance from the telephone exchange, condition of the phone line, quality of wiring within the house, the type of modem or router being used and the speed of the computer which can be addressed independently of a users' provider.
Commenting on the publication of the research, ISPA Secretary General Nicholas Lansman said: "ISPA supports greater transparency within the Internet industry, to which this report on broadband speeds contributes. ISPA members have worked closely with Ofcom to support this process and enable Ofcom to compile this report. Whilst the research does serve to provide information for people wishing to choose a provider, ISPA urges any future research to ensure that a greater share of the market is covered to provide a more complete assessment for consumers"
Notes to the editor:
The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) was established in 1995 as a trade association to represent providers of Internet services in the UK. ISPA promotes competition, self-regulation and the development of the Internet industry. For a list of members or other information about ISPA, please consult the website:
The views expressed in this release are those of the Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) and do not necessarily reflect the corporate policies of the individual companies that are members of the Association or other organisations that may be mentioned in the release. For further editorial information please contact the ISPA Press Office (020 7340 8741).