Early bird discount for the ISPA Conference, November 12
ISPA has already confirmed a number of high-profile speakers for the ISPA Conference on the 12th November. Places are filling up fast and the early bird discount has been extended until Friday 5 October. Tickets can be purchased online here.
Panels will be looking broadband, cyber security, the draft communications data bill and the communications review.
The ISPA Conference will be held on Monday 12th November at the London offices of ISPA Legal Forum members Hogan Lovells LLP. The all-day conference will include senior government and industry speakers which we will continue to announce in the coming weeks. Topics to be debated include; the latest on Communications Data; UK broadband strategy; Cyber-security and; the review of the Communications Act.
The agenda can be found here.
For the full story click here.
ISPA gives evidence to joint committee on communications data
On September 6, ISPA gave oral evidence to the committee scrutinising the draft communications data bill, alongside Jimmy Wales and LINX.
During the session, ISPA argued that due to a lack of information, the broad drafting of the Bill and fact that the main changes to retention capabilities represent an increase in current powers, more safeguards are required.
A stream of the oral evidence can be found here and ISPA's written evidence here.
Four New Members Join ISPA in August - takes total to 28 for the year
Shetland Telecom, City Lifeline, Qube Managed Services and Addleshaw Goddard all recently decided to join ISPA.
This has brought the total number of new ISPA members who have joined this year to 28.
Discount for Members
ISPA has secured a number of discounts for members at upcoming events and shows.
ISPA News Coverage
ISPA was quoted in the news on issues including; rural broadband, broadband speeds, the Draft Communications Data Bill and Online Parental Controls. Full coverage here.
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